Broken bones….

Have you ever broken a bone? Have I ever broken a bone? Heavens , No! Neither have I broken any of mine or of another. I thank my stars that I have been lucky of  not having had to go through such an ordeal.

Life balances

How do you balance work and home life? I believe one does not have to strive to balance anything; life itself balances out everything. Life doesn’t change; it’s the same at home and work. You breathe, your heart beats, blood flows, and your mind keeps thinking. Hence, we see that the true basics of lifeContinue reading “Life balances”

Environment…my role

Long, long ago, there was no designated Environmental Day; every day, all 365 days of the year, was an environment day. The skies were blue, the clouds varied in color from white to grey or black depending on the seasons, the air was pure and sweet, rains arrived on time, rainbows adorned the skies inContinue reading “Environment…my role”

Sacrifice. …my foot

What sacrifices have you made in life? Sacrifices are often seen as selfless acts, a willingness to endure hardship or loss, be it comfort, money, or a desire for the sake of a cause, belief, or relationship. I believe that sacrifices are not routinely done purposefully; they just happen. Whenever a sacrifice is done purposefully,Continue reading “Sacrifice. …my foot”

300 day streak

Well I have blogged 300 days at a stretch …not a day missed. 65 more days before it will be a year. I thank all my followers, all fellow bloggers, friends for reading, liking, commenting on blogs which have given me the impetus and encouragement to keep blogging .  Thank you wordpress. THANK YOU ALL,Continue reading “300 day streak”

My gold ring

What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today? “Old is gold,” well, that’s true for me. I am a lover of vintage items and a small-time collector too. Yes, the oldest thing I still wear today is my gold ring. I had just gotten into medical school and had an obsession for gold rings. Due toContinue reading “My gold ring”

Leader or follower

Are you a leader or a follower? I am both a leader and a follower. I follow the rules of society and community. I do support and subscribe to the ideas of some political leaders but am not necessarily their follower. I adhere to my own beliefs and what I feel is right. When IContinue reading “Leader or follower”

Improvements all

What’s one small improvement you can make in your life? Improvements are a daily routine throughout our lives. No improvement is ever small; however insignificant it might seem, any improvement is an improvement. Similarly, throughout my life, I have made improvements – some very significant, some absolutely unnoticeable, some knowingly, some unknowingly – yet noneContinue reading “Improvements all”


What does freedom mean to you? There has never been and is no absolute freedom. It is always selective and subjective. This holds true for all living creatures, including humans. When any creature is born, the rules of nature come into play, and all must abide by them. Be it insects, animals, birds, or humans,Continue reading “Freedom”